Love God. Love Your Neighbor. Change the World.
There are two stories of creation in the book of Genesis. In the first, God creates the earth and all the creatures who inhabit the earth, THEN God creates a human, translated from the Hebrew as “earth creature.” In the second account, after God has created the light, water, and earth, God creates the “earth creature,” THEN creates the animals as companions for this creature. Both accounts are clear: humankind and the earth are meant to be in harmony with one another and in harmony with the Creator. However, what we observe is that as Christ suffered and arose, the earth is suffering and needs to be restored with God’s help to the original wholeness of creation.
At Church of the Nativity we believe that our faith in Jesus, our reverence for the earth, and our service to others are deeply woven together in our life of faith. We seek a connection to God through our connections with one another, through caring for the natural world, and through an examination of our interior life. All these things are a form of prayer. We hope that the reflections of this website and blog reveal and inspire this belief, and help lead to a restored planet.