

I grew up in the mountains of Western North Carolina, surrounded by beauty, all the time. So much beauty that I took for granted – didn’t everyone live with magnificent, awe-inspiring views out their bedroom window?

I also grew up in the Episcopal Church, shaped and formed by the Book of Common Prayer. Year after year of hearing the stories and reciting the prayers.

As I became a teenager and my faith became my own, the moments I experienced connection with God were frequently in beautiful, natural spaces. My faith in God has been deeply formed by a connection with the outdoors. Even when I lived in a big city, my favorite space for prayer and meditation was in front of a window framing a little tiny tree trying to grow in the back alley.

Now that I am a priest in the Episcopal Church, I am fortunate to serve a congregation for whom love of creation and care for God’s world is a core piece of their identity and their faith in the Lord. From education to a community garden, to a commitment to native plants, to solar panels, to rethinking what we throw in the trash,a team of faithful, passionate folks have led the Church of the Nativity to develop this web site to share our stories of deepening our faith by taking action to care for God’s world.

We love this world because God loves this world. God loves this world so much, he took human form and walked with us in this world. We hope our stories and thoughts inspire you to become a steward of the Lord’s creation.

In peace,