Becoming the Good Soil: Expansion of Composting Capabilities at Nativity
By: Carl Sigel
As we work to Restore God’s Earth, the amount of compostable material donated to Nativity by church members and from our church events and activities has increased significantly. Consequently, we are expanding our composting capabilities. In addition to our two Earth Machine compost bins located in the Nativity Community Garden, we have just added a large bin for storage of finished compost.
Composting on our church campus is an important step in our work to become a zero waste church. By composting, we are turning our green waste from the church kitchen, alter guild, and the churchyard into a supplement for enriching the soil of the community garden. By composting we keep waste material out of the landfill, where as it decomposes, it can generate more dangerous greenhouse gases and air pollution.
Composting has become part of the Nativity narrative, and is helping us to fulfill our mission as a community of faith to become the good soil.
Environmental Stewardship at Nativity thanks all those who are participating in this adventure, and we hope that you all share with us the tremendous satisfaction in knowing that we are doing our part in caring for God’s wonderful creation. In nature, except for humans, everything is recycled. We can be in harmony with the rest of creation. And, by sharing the fruits of our labor from the Nativity Community Garden, we are caring for our neighbors while helping to build sustainability in our community.