Grow the Best Bird-Friendly Native Plants for Your Region

The bird people of Audubon North Carolina are all about LOCAL, and so are we! Local plants, local gardens, and local birds: these are the key features of their Bird-Friendly Native Plants of the Year program. By planting native species, you’ll help to replace food sources that have been lost to development and bring a variety of birds to your yard all year long! You’ll also help support local nurseries and growers. To that end, Audubon North Carolina has an amazing resource library of plant lists including a Bird-Friendly Native Plants of the Year list, specific plant lists for your local region, and a compilation list of 400 recommended bird-friendly native plants for any North Carolina-based gardener interested in choosing plants that help birds thrive alongside people. Click this link to access all of these lists and more:


We thank Kim Brand, Bird-Friendly Communities Coordinator for Audubon North Carolina for the information contained in this article. Photo credit: American Goldfinch on a Purple Coneflower by Will Stuart.


  • Tallamy, Douglas W., Bringing Nature Home, How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants, Timber Press, Portland, 2007.
  • Marzluff, John M., Welcome to Subirdia, Sharing Our Neighborhoods with Wrens, Robins, Woodpeckers, and Other Wildlife, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2014.
  • Zimmerman, Catherine B., Urban and Suburban Meadows, Bringing Meadowscaping to Big and Small Spaces, Matrix Media Press, Silver Spring, 2010.