December- Shrinking Consumerism for Christmas and Beyond……
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal.”
Matthew 6:19-20

December’s ACTION is REDUCING CONSUMERISM AND BEYOND . Commit to one Action each week this month. Contact for more information.
Let’s ACT together this year to restore the fullness of God’s earth.
Americans throw away 25% more trash from Thanksgiving to Christmas than the rest of the year. Advent, the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, is the time we prepare for the joy of God entering the world as a baby. It is a beautiful reminder to us that God loved the world enough to be part of the created world with us! It can also be a reminder of how we treat the earth that God loves. If every family reused just two feet of holiday ribbon, the 38,000 miles of ribbon saved could tie a bow around the entire planet. What if we tied a bow around our relationships and experiences to show thanks to God rather than to ribbon? If we each sent one card less, we’d save 50,000 cubic yards of paper. Nearly half the world’s toys are in America, despite making up just over 3% of the global population of children. Let’s show our love of God and our neighbor with less stuff and more love.
For more information on reducing waste this holiday season, see below!
Are you a Church leader looking to initiate this program as part of a zero waste campaign? We will have PDF posters from each of our Monthly Actions, that can be downloaded from our “For Leaders” Resource Page.
Week 1
- Give: experiences instead of material things: tickets to the movies, theater, zoo or membership to a museum; reusable items like water bottles, homemade gifts; electronic reading like e-books and magazines
Call companies and ask to be removed from holiday mail.
Week 2
Email your holiday cards instead of using paper; explain why in your email.
Buy a living Christmas tree and plant it, or an organic Christmas tree that has a lower environmental impact.
Week 3
Have Santa bring only one special gift.
Wrap gifts in magazine paper or newspaper or use reusable bags.
Week 4
Buy locally grown and produced food.
Focus holiday gatherings on relationships rather than the food, and be thoughtful about food waste
Bonus Action!
Commit yourself to a moment of daily prayer seeking contentment through doing the work of God and not accumulating goods; of moving from a culture of consumerism to a culture of conversation and sharing.
The Advent Conspiracy:
The Story of Stuff:
Advent thoughts on Cyber Monday:
Internet advertising, bibliolatry, and Advent:
Simpler Living, Compassionate Life, A Christian Perspective. Michael Schut (ed), Morehouse Publishing, New York, 1999.
The Story of Stuff: How Our Obsession with Stuff Is Trashing the Planet, Our Communities, and Our Health-and a Vision for Change by Annie Leonard, Free Press, New York, 2010.
Ethical Musings, Reflections on living the good life by the Rev. Dr. George Clifford
This is part of our RESTORING GOD’S EARTH, A YEAR OF PERSONAL ACTION program; A monthly guide to help individuals learn the many ways they can help care for God’s creation.